Afc wigan Ladies

AFC Wigan Ladies are a brand new addition to the club. Head Coach, Megan Walker is looking forward to starting her role within the club. We are currently seeking new players in the open age bracket (16+).
If you are interested in joining our ladies team please feel Free to contact us below.
Training Schedule
Training Is Yet To Be Set
AFC Wigan Ladies Team Kit
Home & Away Jerseys
AFC Wigan Colours: HOME
Blue shirts, Blue Shorts, Blue Socks
AFC Wigan Colours: AWAY
Black Shirts, Black Shorts, Black Socks
Development Team

Manager: Megan Walker
Megan is the Head Coach of Afc Wigan Ladies
Want to Join The Club?
Our Ladies Team was set up to give the Female players a chance to get involved in football in a safe environment in order for them to learn and grow into Open Age football.
If you are interested in joining our ladies team, please select the join us button and get in touch.